We are still in the cold months of the year, and this does mean that you as a homeowner should take some extra care to make sure that you save on your heating bills and that you protect your home from the potential damage that cold temperatures can bring. Usually these steps are good to take before the winter starts, but if you haven’t done these things before, there is no time like the present!
Checking out your insulation is an important step when it comes to preparing your home for cold. Any leaks will cost you money. Having a thermal imaging scan is the simplest way to check for insufficient insulation, but you can always use the low-tech version and running your hand along the walls feeling for any areas that are noticeably colder than others. While installing or adding insulation is a large project, it will definitely save you money over time.
Leaking ducts can also rob you of that heat before it even reaches your living space, so fixing that will have a great impact on your heating bill.
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